Newbie question re multiple pot wiring

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Newbie question re multiple pot wiring


On my second build and have gone for the EH 73 Rams Head Big Muff but i'm a bit confused with the wiring of the pots and switch as the last build I did was a simple one pot boost. I was wondering if someone could tell me what I am missing. So far I have connected sustain 1, 2 & 3 to one pot (order 3, 2, 1 if looking at the base), the tone I have connected 1 & 2 to the pot and 3 to the mid switch (the other side going to SW1).

Should I have a connection on lug 3 of this tone pot?

Then the volume I have connected 1 & 3 to the pot and have assumed the 2nd lug is the output to the foot switch. Would this be correct?

At the moment I am not getting any effect but my bypass wiring on the foot switch works ok! (Oh, I did manage to pick up some radio station playing Elvis, lol)

Many thanks

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Re: Newbie question re multiple pot wiring

Lug 2 from the volume does go to output.

Yes, you should have lug 3 of the tone pot connected to the board and the switch. So come from 'tone 3' on the board to lug 3 of the tone pot then from lug 3 (tone pot) to the mid switch.
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Re: Newbie question re multiple pot wiring

Thanks man. I can hopefully get this finished off tonight, yippee!