Newer Boutique Pedals

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Newer Boutique Pedals

There are so many great new pedals out there that we dont have up here- instead of doing the same variations of dirt and boost pedals (albeit they are getting weirder) Id love to see some of this new amazing stufffff.... If there is anything similar to what I'm listing here I would love to be clued in!

Keeley made his first jump into a non ross based compressor with the GC-2 compressor- which is a VCA limiter... that would be cool

I know the effectrode will take some super special components but grindcustoms is making a super high voltage power supply for his tube preamp pedal.  so how about that effectrode compressor?

Or the Keeley compressor pro?
Origin Effects Cali compressor (those are like $400 pedals) Ill buy one and take pics of it if someone would be willing to trace it!

I still have never felt great about any of the mutron style envelope filters- definitely including madbean's mutron clone using VTL-5c3's - keeley did a great job with the neutrino?  I wonder how he got it to work so well and its compact!

the walrus audio descent reverb/octave pedal

some of that catalinbread stuff?  that rotating drum echo pedal from catalinbread?

Mr Black's stuff is suppppeeeeerrrrr cool.  i'm assuming- super moon reverb?  i'm assuming all this stuff usees complex digital stuff that we cant clone?

I'd really like one of these new super studio grade compressors.  that would be super cool!  If I buy one of these and take pictures would anyone be willing to trace it?  I dont think I could accurately trace something very complex, but I can be the sponsor!

Thanks for reading!
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Re: Newer Boutique Pedals

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Between the main site and the Forum you'll find plenty of pedals that are not variations of dirt and boost.
Just on the main page there are 27 compressors and not all of them are Ross based.
The main thing is that we can't draw a layout without a schematic.
Boutique pedals are becoming more complex and some of them wouldn't be doable on vero in any case.
From those you've listed only the GC-2 and the Nutrino may be good candidates (not even sure until we see gut shots).
The others are just too complicated.
I'm sure if you buy them and take detailed pictures someone may be willing to help you tracing them.
The FSB Forum is also full of very experienced people.
That's where we get most of our schematics.
Drawing layouts is not as easy as it looks.
Even if a pedal gets traced and a schematic drawn doesn't mean that it would be doable.