Next pedal?

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Next pedal?

I built the CoT50, but threw in some clipping options (1N5817, nothing, and 1N4148) - it actually works and, more importantly, sounds really good.

So I want to step up a bit in complexity from this one - any recommendations?  I bought parts enough to build a Crowther Hotcake, Klon, Sunface (although I bought BC108B instead of BC108C accidentally), Nurse Quacky, Barbershop, and I bought extras of every part I purchased.  I have a fair stash of parts at this point.

I definitely want to try to build a Fuzz and some other flavors of distortion, but think I want more than just a one-knobber.  Green Russian Muff and an envelope filter are both on my list of things to try eventually, but I don't want to overwhelm myself (the Nurse Quacky seems in the realm of an envelope filter without having to deal with LDRs).

Mainly trying to take a step up in complexity without getting too far into the water where I'm lost.

And lesson learned - do all the pedal wiring and then start worrying about fitting it into the box.  I did most of the pedal wiring, stuck the board in and then realized I still needed to ground things and add an LED.  Not pleasant.
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Re: Next pedal?

The Barbershop seems to be universally loved by virtually everyone who plays it, so that is always a good recommendation.  I know you said you want more than a one knob fuzz, but seriously the Meathead has the potential to be an amazing sounding fuzz pedal.  Sometimes they just seem to be ok but it seems to be one of those pedals that when you get the perfect gain and values of passive it just sounds huge.  Always worth a build if you want another quicky.

For something a bit more complex, take your pick of popular muffs if that type of fuzz floats your boat.  Or we're not short of Fuzz Face types (like the Meathead mentioned above).
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Re: Next pedal?

In reply to this post by makefast
Just two words - Fuzzrite, Shin-Ei.
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Re: Next pedal?

There's always a next pedal...
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Re: Next pedal?

In reply to this post by IvIark
Well, I forgot that I couldn't locate the J01's when I ordered so I may hold off on the Barbershop until my next parts order.

I built the Meathead Dark last night, but haven't had a chance to throw it on the testing board.  If it is half as good as the COT50 though, I will be happy.  With how great these simple circuits sound, I may never have a reason to build the Klon I bought parts for.

Shin-Ei companion fuzz with mods is now on my list too - I have a buddy who has been searching for one and has a birthday coming up.
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Re: Next pedal?

makefast wrote
With how great these simple circuits sound, I may never have a reason to build the Klon I bought parts for.
Oh no you've got to build it.  Even if it's just to show yourself how much better the Maxon OD820 sounds
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Re: Next pedal?

In reply to this post by makefast
you sound like me 6'months and 44 pedals ago ha ha. yes do as much as possible efore boxing. took me two boxes to realise it ha ha. i dont know what. genres you play. i built a klon and had to build 3 more for my friends. its a decent overdrive the buffer is very very nice.even when its off it makes your guitar sound better.if your going to do a fuzz pedal do a germanium version. i like the vox tonebender with slightly bigger input cap .and slightly bigger output cap for more bass . probably my favorite build has been the marshall shredmaster. its a great hard rock 80-90s metal pedal but can be dialed down for rock and blues no problem. i did the visual sound son of hyde mod to make it less dark.tied for my other favorite is the dam red rooster with a npn germqnium so i can daisy chany with regular negative ground. this by far has been my most popular build. i have made 7 for my friends .

i too was intimidated by the mega layouts like the boss chorus and ehx small clone. to be honest you can just buy a small clone for 80 bucks or get a pcb but there is something about doing them completly from be honest my favorite part is doing the vero then drilling the box. the offboard wiring is mostly just time and almost always the same. some of the more dissapointing builds for me were the dod250 preamp wampler pinnacle( lots of issues with oscillating factory builds have board mounted pots diy way to much wiring and cause of the squeal).i built a phase 45-90-100 they all sound great. i get a little lfo tick on the phase 90 .my favorite madbean build and delay pedal is by far the dirtbaby. i bought the pcb and its awesome .i own 4 delays and its my favorite by far. i also built a multiplex echo from 1776 dont car formthe modulation but the delay is versitile.

i am getting ready to doma few more gain pedals. i want to do a tube screamer 808 boss super overdrive. npn germanium fuzz face,marshall blues breaker and guvner.(the marshall pedals are all fantastic they have that great marshall sound and tonestack) i also want to do a bsiab2 because my wampler pinnacle is just to over the top.i also highly reccomend the modded mxr micro amp with tone control i was pleasently suprised by this one. i think evh used one on vh1 its the secret weapon..

my top 10 vero builds are small clone,hyde/shredmaster,vox tonebender,dam red rooster, klon centaur,mxr phase 100-90-45 mxr dyna comp and systech harmonic energizer.all great layouts, in no specific order

i did a madbean  klon first but idk why the tagboard version sounds better to my ear.

once again dont let the circuit board size and number of components scare you. i actually prefer the mega builds more now. your gonna spend almost  2 hours wiring the box no matter what size the board is anyway . You may as well spend another hour or two on the tagboard.imalways mark the top,of the board then poke a wire through and mark the bottom for cuts. triple check before drilling and populating. always do resistors and chip sockets then diodes regular caps and electrolytics last imho. for older fuzz type unitsmor high gain shield the input all the way to the board from input too switch and switch to board. wire the pots offboard and twist wires . for boxes i uses some of the templates at madbean and enlarge them to 106 percent seems to fit perfect.i highly reccomend a hole punch and unibit after drilling pilot holes.
if you have a few under your belt its time for a mega build ha ha. i am still so proud of the small clone and the mxr phase 100 ii built.
tonight i finish a moodring from an alex 80 layout on the contributions forum and a presription electronics clean octave blend.
i still have at least ten builds to do to be happy.
i highly suggest trying a few of madbeanpedals pcbs as well. i love the harbinger one univibe and collasus flanger builds from there. they are faster and tighter builds with board mounted pots less noise and less wiring issues.

tonepad and general guitar gadgets have great pcbs as well
i tried to buy byoc kits but they were always out of the builds i wanted everytime i tried. those are amazing kits but you can use small bear electronics, tayda electronics and ebay and save over 65 percent on costs.

i still have the fever ha ha happy building
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Re: Next pedal?

In reply to this post by IvIark
<quote author="IvIark">
makefast wrote
Even if it's just to show yourself how much better the Maxon OD820 sounds
I actually own an original Maxon OD820. Does that mean I really have to build a Klone then?!
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Re: Next pedal?

In reply to this post by IvIark
The one knob fuzz is awesome.  I did the DAM Meathead 'Dark' as evidenced in the debugging thread - not sure of the difference the caps make audibly (I haven't built the other version and didn't socket), but I can't imagine running anything that is brighter than this.  Really interactive with the volume knob on the guitar, I like it a lot.

I need to order some bits for the green russian muff, but I'm adding it to my list.  Not enough bass (for my liking) in the Meathead and I want something a bit muff-like.

Next build will be the Nurse Quacky though, I think.  But now I'm running out of enclosures...