No-knob Fuzz Black Arts Toneworks OATH

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No-knob Fuzz Black Arts Toneworks OATH

Hi i am trying to build a no-knob fuzz pedal much like the black arts oath. I found these pictures showing the inside of the pedal. In some cases a pot has been added in order to manage the output of the pedal.
If anyone could draw up a layout it would be great! Thanks

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Re: No-knob Fuzz Black Arts Toneworks OATH

what i can tell is yes, this is based on the revelation, which in it's self is something i want to build, but haven't found a schematic or internal board pics, so this is a good start. it looks like the internal pot/trimmer is to control the overall output, so you set it and forget it. figuring this out will be hard without at least a pic of the traces on the bottom. so we need to keep an eye out for that in order to get this done.

but it's better and more then i found when i was searching, so we at least have a start.