Nobles pedals

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Nobles pedals

I would really like to see Vero layouts for the Nobels ODR-1, ODR-1 plus, ODR-Bass, etc... I think they are unique enough to warrant some good layouts. Most of them are pretty simple but they have some unique filters and EQ capabilities.
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Re: Nobles pedals

I think the ODR-1 is a great sounding pedal and would definitely like to add a layout here.  I looked at it in the past and thought it looked a bit awkward for our design philosophy to keep it down in size to fit in a 1590B, but I'll have a proper look and see what I can do.
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Re: Nobles pedals

Yes it is a fairly big circuit, although if the switching, some buffers and charge pump were omitted, it could be made more compact, and then a larger version with the charge pump to fit a BB box maybe.

If you only do one I think the ODRS would get my vote.
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Re: Nobles pedals

In reply to this post by Tage
Their tremolo was way off the chart in complexity.. I might have a look of those ODs as well.