Noise gate -pleeeeeaseee

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Noise gate -pleeeeeaseee


I know I need to put some schematics in this post but I know that you guys have them all and are posted before and I am asking you to build more of this everneeding pedal. Layouts for this pedals are so rare that it is almost believable that this community don't do something about it. I love your layouts and effects but there are just too many OD and DIST pedals and just a few of noise gates that are actually more expensive and more (when I say more just multiply it with 10) needed. Regardless of size, I bet that most of us will buy any big box or find space on board to fit it in.

Please, I really am asking you to build more of them, utility pedals like noise gate are needed.

I didn't wont to offend anyone if I did, and sorry for that, just wanna tell you that this is really needed.

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Re: Noise gate -pleeeeeaseee

Use the search function, both on the main page, and the forum.

Ibanez, DOD, MXR and a one-knob noise gates are on here.
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Re: Noise gate -pleeeeeaseee

I did and on main page there are only two noise gates and on forum are 2 additional but never transferred to main page and officially verified.

I still think that there should be more noise gates (or whatever originals are named) on main page so that we can have them verified or not.

I don't say that all other methods are wrong, but it is just more trustworthy if IvIark, Miro and others can say that they are good.

If any of named guys are reading this please try to find some more understanding for it, I know lot of people would appreciated it and me included.

Hope you guys will find this right also.

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Re: Noise gate -pleeeeeaseee

The way layouts get verified is that someone builds them and reports that they work as intended. The ball is in your court.

Also, your requests for new layouts will get more traction if you ask for specific pedals by name, rather than by general type. Providing a schematic certainly wouldn't hurt.
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Re: Noise gate -pleeeeeaseee


I have built the:
one knob noise gate

Ibanez noise buster

MXR noise gate

ISP Decimator (from the Sabro site)

The one-knob is the easiest and the truth is it works great, and it uses all easily available parts. but it has a pretty hard knee, so I holed the MXR would be more subtle.

I built rhe MSXr last week, - but I also did some suggested mods to it (in the description) that I found not to be so good for my use, so I just undid those. It was even harder to dial in, but now I will see if it is better.

The Noise Buster is a different animal - it is a high freq. filter you can leave on all the time and it really helps cut hiss & white noise. It is not a gate, but it really helps. It is a Low-pass filter that works at very high levels - to the point where no normally heard guitar frequencies are affected - but the noise virtually disappears.

But I spent the most time and I really wanted the Decimator to work and I took a long time to get all the parts, but it doesn't work. It is a matter of some of the op-amp part numbers being old and I could only get replacements - and I am not sure if that is the problem. I really should post it here and see if anyone can help, except that it isn't posted here as a circuit, so....

If nothing else, the one-knob is almost perfect. Add the noise buster and your noise problems are solved. The MXR is really good unless you have a bad noise problem, and then it has a pretty hard time finding the right setting (but I am still working on it).
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Re: Noise gate -pleeeeeaseee

True. Yes I have forgot schematics to add. I was referring to DOD and one knob to be set on main page.

I would like to DOD is put on main page so that it is official. ;-)

Also about motterpaul's gate collection, I have also build Ibanez and Mxr but Ibanez is getting me some hum, maybe is a bad grounding or something but it never gave full cancellation of noise - not like Boss NS2 which is best for this sort of troubles.

To me MXR is ok. Decimator is out of my reach just too expensive to build - joyo's clone is around 45$ so I don't think to build it any way.

I would be great for IvIark or mirosol to put DOD FX35 layout on main page.

P.S. If there are other noise gates schematics available please add them. :-)
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Re: Noise gate -pleeeeeaseee

Unless a layout is made by one of the admins it will not go ok the main page. Having layouts on the main page doesn't mean they're official, just that one of us did it and feel it's valuable to be there. Many requests are completed by amazing and talented layout makers, as well as the admins, and put in the contributions section. Once it had been verified the layout moves to the verified section and is organized by pedal type. Doesn't make them any less offical or any worse then main page layouts. In fact, there have been many layouts that were done by some of the admins in the contribution section have been moved to the main page. Side note, periodically requests will be weeded out if there is no schematic or gutshots attached, because without them nothing can be done and the requests just sit there.
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Re: Noise gate -pleeeeeaseee

OK. I understand that and I am fully aware of it. This was just my appeal to moving DOD FX30 and other not-admin layouts to main page that's all.

If they don't wanna move them to main page than can we summarize this by one simple question and answer -

Is DOD FX30 layout from penalkolony a good to go and is it working as original pedal?

Is oneknob noisegate layout from borrato and fixed version from chris60601 a good to go and is working as it should?

That's all.
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Re: Noise gate -pleeeeeaseee

The one-knob noise gate works great. I have built it - I thought it was verified. Just because something is not on the main page doesn't really mean anything anymore since the forums now have separate sections for verified and non-verifed.

For that matter, I just verified a circuit on the blog pages (the Madbean limiter) that had already there for a couple weeks before being verified.

The one-knob noise gate is simple and effective, personally I recommend it over the MXR which I also built.
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Re: Noise gate -pleeeeeaseee

If there's a layout in the contributions section has been verified it will be in the verified section, otherwise it will be in the unverified section. So if the layouts you're asking about are in the verified section it's verified. As far as the layout you verified on the main page. Onve you do anyone mention they've verified a layout the admins will go back and mark it as verified.
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Re: Noise gate -pleeeeeaseee

Ok. I understand. I was thinking of building one knob gate and now I will. :-)

Also ok everything you guys said above is fine. I accept. :-)

Is there more gate pedals to build than just ones mentioned above? I know that NS-2 is prime one and it is possible that will never be on layout (one that actually can fit in normal box) but is there some others or are these mentioned a best of what can be build on normal size layout?