Not sure exactly what!

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Not sure exactly what!

Hey everyone!
     I'm sure it's possible, but I don't know how. I'm wanting to run the same guitar into two different channels of an acoustic amp. So I can run a looper thru one and run the guitar thru the other. Is it possible to build a box to switch back and forth? Thnx all...have a great day!!!!
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Re: Not sure exactly what!

Why not use an aby box? In the y setting you'd have signal to both channels, and a or b would go to each individually.
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Re: Not sure exactly what!


Really, I did not know if an a/b/y box would do that. Would this be a good box for that?
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Re: Not sure exactly what!

Should work fine. I've built one and it works well. I'm assuming your amp can run both channels together, if so you should be golden.