Nuts for pots

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Nuts for pots

Hey guys.  I've been using pots from tayda and ordered some new knobs that sit farther off the case than I'd like.  I'd like to order some additional nuts to lower the pot in the case.  Anyone have a source?  I live on the left side of the Atlantic.  Thanks.
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Re: Nuts for pots

Or just slip a few small washers over the pot shaft before you mount it through the hole in the box.
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Re: Nuts for pots

In reply to this post by kirshman
C'mon, if you can throw a pedal together, I'm sure you can find something beside nuts to do that! Washers, wire, some plastic...
Anyway, we all have the same tendency to try for perfect results, a walk by the hardware store will surely help you find some nuts. No need to search and order overpriced nuts "specially" made for pots!
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Re: Nuts for pots

Thanks guys.  You're right, I do like perfect.  I have 3 hardware stores in my town and none of them had a nut that went on without changing the threads.  I'll try washers.
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Re: Nuts for pots

In reply to this post by Suzukiscottie
Or just hacksaw the shaft down to your required length..............FREE
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Re: Nuts for pots

In reply to this post by kirshman
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Re: Nuts for pots

In reply to this post by Suzukiscottie
I just bought a bag of 7mm washers from ebay and slip a couple of those on...sorted!!
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Re: Nuts for pots

In reply to this post by bogey
Sometimes the threaded part of the pot shaft is overly long. So padding it out from underneath gets your knobs to sit at a nice height.
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Re: Nuts for pots

In reply to this post by kirshman
I usually have this problem with the knurled pots from Tayda. You can either put an additional nut on the inside of the enclosure or just do what I do. File down the shafts of the pots a few mm. BTW, you can get nuts for pots from Mammoth Electronics. One time I bought a bunch of wrong pots which I'll never use so I have plenty spare nuts and washers. Oh well!
aka Dead Eye