OP Electronics Spring Reverb Kit

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OP Electronics Spring Reverb Kit

I was on the hunt for a circuit that uses the Accutronics lil' blue reverb tanks and I came across this:


Just thought I would share in case anyone else was looking to build something like this.
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Re: OP Electronics Spring Reverb Kit

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I made the OP-Electronics Spring Reverb and the Ruthenium Spring Reverb projects. IMO, the Ruthenium is more practically usable than the OP-Electronics unit. The OP unit is a lot noisier (which is also cool if that's what you like). I just found it a lot harder to dial in a sweet spot on the OP for just a good amp reverb type of sound.

MAO did a layout for the Ruthenium here if you want to take a look:


Charge pump makes a big difference in both builds. I've found LT1054 always works best.