OT electronics

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OT electronics

Off topic electronics question for those who may have seen something similar anywhere else to what I want to build.  I bought my first e-cig back in July and by the end of the month I gave up smoking completely.  Absolutely fabulous things!  So like with the effects I always like to do things myself and to save a few quid I rebuild the heads myself with resistance wire when the coil eventually burns into the wick.

This won't mean much to anyone who hasn't looked at how ecigs work, but bear with me while I explain it.  Some of the atomisers I use have the connection posts for the wire quite far away from where the coil vapourises the liquid and in these cases you need to make up a special wire like this:

No resistance wire > resistance wire < no resistance wire

So the resistance wire wraps around the wick which soaks up the eliquid, and the no resistance wires go from each end of the wick to the connectors which means only the part of the wire wrapped around the wick is going to get hot.  So you can make these wires up by just wrapping them together but it looks crap and it make them more difficult to use, so I want something like this which will put out a preset charge to quickly weld the wires together.

The charge part only uses a single AA battery, so has anyone seen anything similar to this anywhere that I can get the schematic for?  I can't pay £45!
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Re: OT electronics

"DANGER WILL ROBINSON" This is where the madness begins. It`s not enough that we have to build shit, we also have to build the tools to build shit  Between making test rigs, drill press for my dremel, light box for drying paint and various other modded tools diy madness can really take hold quite quickly. I decided I needed a 3d printer but wasn`t paying £1600 for one, then I spotted the velleman kit going for £700, perfect says I, save money and get to build something. My missus asked me why I needed one, my answer..............I needed to make chickenhead knobs in a size I couldn`t buy. It wasn`t until I said it out loud that I realised how completely fucking mental I was, I`m sure I would have found other uses for it but by then I`d probably be locked up in a padded room with my shirt sleeves tied behind my back
If it wasn't for this website I would definitely have a life.
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Re: OT electronics

In reply to this post by IvIark
"Atomisers" huh? Just 'happens' to be the 666th thread in this forum too.
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Re: OT electronics

In reply to this post by dexxyy
dexxyy wrote
It wasn`t until I said it out loud that I realised how completely fucking mental I was
Ha ha!
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Re: OT electronics

So you've fully given up now then? nice one mate, well done. You'll feel much better for it
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Re: OT electronics

Yes mate, not had once since 28th July and have no desire to have another one at all.  Best thing I've bought.
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Re: OT electronics

Excellent, I haven't had one for over a year now but the last one I tried nearly made me throw up. I wondered how the hell I enjoyed it!
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Re: OT electronics

Yes it's amazing how quickly I came to the same conclusion.  I wasn't enjoying my ecig on holiday, I don't know if it was the heat but the juice tasted very harsh. So I was drunk on the balcony one night when everyone else had gone to bed and thought sod it, found my missus' pack and nicked one.  I lit it up and immediately threw it off the balcony, it was just disgusting.

That's the thing about ecigs, it doesn't take you long to realise that they taste so much better than real cigs and then I certainly can't see me ever going back.  Until the government ban ecigs of course because they don't really want people to give up and are starting to get very twitchy about the big drop in income from tobacco tax.  Tossers.
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Re: OT electronics

I concur my good man!  I managed to stop at new years (kinda) with the help of ecigs.  Just don't let yourself be drawn into the "the provari is the best mod out there" bullshit!  I bought one in May, by September, it was gooched!  Something has bust on the PCB, but I can't figure out what it is.  Cost me over £200 for the damn thing.  Provape will send me a replacement board, but they want £65 for that & £45, yes £45 for P&P!  Ludicrous
It's better to have it & not need it, than to need it & not have it!
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Re: OT electronics

No way, the robbing bastards!  I wouldn't buy one anyway mate.  I've got a couple of Vamos, an SVD, an MVP and lots of mechanicals and I can get a good vape out of all of them.  I've read people saying the Provari is better than a Vamo because it's pulse width modulation is 800hz rather than 33hz in the Vamo, and yet they poo poo it when it is mentioned that the MVP doesn't use PWM at all and it's a solid DC output.  At the end of the day, I see a few people on the ecig forums that remind me of a few of the members of TGP.  Nob heads who really haven't got a clue what they're talking about and have bought something purely to keep up with the Jones's.

I do mix my own liquids though and have spent a shit load on nic, PG, VG and concentrates!  But then to me the liquid I'm using makes a much bigger difference to me than the battery box I'm powering it with.  I did succumb to a Kayfun Lite though and that is really good.  Bought a couple of clones from FastTech too
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Re: OT electronics

I know right!  I had the lavatube before it, which did me fine & still kinda functions, but it is so fragile & I kept knocking it off my work bench, til' eventually it just got beat by the floor!  Bought the PV thinking it was going to be a solid unit, how wrong was I?

I use one of the Innokin MVP's now & I'm really pleased with it's performance, can't faut it & the battery is awesome on it!  I cane the shit out of it, way more than I ever smoked & it troops on for days between charges.  I do feel it's robust-ness is soon to be compromised too anyday now though, it does feel a little cheaply made. But it does for now.

Have wanted to get into the re-buildable tanks, but haven't done much homework into them.  I use cartos at the moment, I hate the wick taste of normal tanks & clearomisers etc etc, it's fucking horrible.

Only seem to use menthol juices too really, odd as I was never a fan of menthol ciggies, but I'll chomp on this menthol juice all day & night long!  I've tried other flavours, but always end back where I started!
It's better to have it & not need it, than to need it & not have it!
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Re: OT electronics

Yes the battery is excellent.  I get over 1700 pulls between charges with a Protank on top, and as I have a few going at the same time I get over a week between charges with the MVP.

I've got a load of Boge cartos that I bought with an AGR+ carto tank.  I like them but they can get a bit gurgly in the tank and so I've gravitated back to the Kayfun for my tobacco liquids and Protanks for fruity stuff.

The two juices I seem to use 95% of the time are Rich Pipe and Cherry Cheroot from Totally Wicked.  The combination just hit the spot for me.  I''m the same with menthol though, never had the cigs but have made up a few liquids with mentol now and really like them.  Methol and spearmint, and menthol tobacco are very satisfying.
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Re: OT electronics

ana konda
In reply to this post by IvIark
That's basically just spot welding, so you could just easily charge a large cap or bank of caps with your bench supply and be done with it, you know, ghetto style for one offs.