Offboard Wiring Question

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Offboard Wiring Question

So, I built an Acceleron Fuzz that i'm scrapping and now i'm left with a 1590B that is drilled for 2 pots and a toggle switch. Is it possible to build 2 one knobbers (a Tilt EQ going into a Meathead) in one enclosure with a toggle switch to turn one of the circuits on and off? I'd like the Tilt to be the always on effect (because it can be set flat) and the Meathead to be on or off from the toggle switch.
Here's a wiring idea that i came up with do you think it'll work?

....please excuse the caveman style writing, i've got NO skills at drawing with a mouse.
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Re: Offboard Wiring Question

or use a 3pdt switch if you want an led indicator
If it wasn't for this website I would definitely have a life.
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Re: Offboard Wiring Question

Thanks Dexxyy i'm really looking forward to trying this out!