Old Blood Noise Endeavors effects pedals..

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Old Blood Noise Endeavors effects pedals..

Hey all

I've owned the Black Fountain delay, which actually emulated the oil can- style short delay really well. The controls allowed for super warm repeats and feedback. It was a nice circuit. I ended up selling it to fund another project I have in the works.

I was wondering if anyone here owned any of the OBNE effects, and would be willing to open them up for some circuit gutshots?... The Black Fountain, Procession, Reflector, Haunt.. I forgot to do that while the BF was in my possession and I'd love to see what's going on inside these guys. I have a feeling the procession uses a brick, but building any of these on vero would be a treat and the first step towards that is a few well-taken gutshots.

Anyone have one they'd be willing to open up? Or anyone have feedback on how they liked/disliked the reflector or the procession?
