Opamp Oscillation in Sample and Hold

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Opamp Oscillation in Sample and Hold

Hey guys, way back I built the Analog Bit Crusher layout by IvIark, before I understood too well how it worked. I noticed as others the constant whine or oscillation introduced to the output and bypass signal of the effect. Reading similar threads I see common issues with circuits of similar nature like the Catalinbread heliotrope.

I have begun to read more about opamps, as I've been exploring building synths more and more. So I'd like to revisit this problem, maybe I or we can figure this out! I did some reading (here, here) to try and troubleshoot. Some of these ideas did not seem to have much effect. One thing I did notice was both suggested adding a de-coupling capacitor to the non-inverting inputs of one of the buffer stages. I noticed if you apply a 0.1uf decoupling capacitor to the non-inverting input of the output of the buffer, it does eliminate the oscillation! However, there is a generous signal loss. Is this significant? Am I on the right track?

*edit* I'd also like to mention the Bit Crusher layout sounds awesome! Would love to get more use of it if I could reduce the oscillation