Opamp tester PCB arrived! Operational amplifier tester

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Opamp tester PCB arrived! Operational amplifier tester

Opamp tester PCB arrived! Operational amplifier tester.



Single OPAMP: LM741, TL071, TL061, TL081 and others

pin 2 - Inverting Input (-)

pin 3 - Non-inverting input (+)

Pin 4 - Power (-)

pin 6 - Output

Pin 7 - Power (+)

DUAL OPAMP: LM358, RC4558, TL062, TL072, TL082 and others

pin 1 - Output A

pin 2 - Inverting Input A(-)

pin 3 - Non-inverting input A(+)

Pin 4 - Power (-)

Pin 5 - Non-inverting input B(+)

Pin 6 - Inverting Input B(-)

pin 7 - Output B

Pin 8 - Power (+