Opinion/quick debug needed on the THOR

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Opinion/quick debug needed on the THOR

So, I built a ROG Thor a while ago. Got insane high-pitch frequency so I didn't box it.
Last night I replaced all the J201s by 2n5457 and it became quiet. Rebiased and it now works very well so I'm happy.

However, there's a strange behavior with the gain pot. When maxed, I get a nice high-gain sound that I like a lot and sounds great. However, if I lower it (so anywhere not max gain), the tone becomes a bit gated and fuzzy, not crunchy like you'd expect from sound samples and so on. It's actually like the fuzz is over the base tone if I hear right.

I double-checked everything and it all seems ok. I always knife the gaps and did it a second time 'cause I know this is gonna be the "go-to" first debug suggested.

From my humble (and most likely wrong) understanding, if the tone is ok when the gain pot is maxed, there shouldn't be any trouble on the rows where gain 2 and 3 connect... while gain1 just connects to ground right?

The double connection link on that row from ground is properly done too...

I didn't change the pot to make sure that wasn't the problem (just realized that it could possibly be the problem this morning).

Any suggestions on where to look / what to look for? I'm a bit lost (albeit it doesn't take much...).

Thanks fellas!