Orange CR120 Preamp

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Orange CR120 Preamp

Based upon the traced schematic from doombox92 found HERE.

Breadboarded it, seems to be OK except for Gain and Master lugs, which are inverted.
I'm not a big fan of Orange, but a friend requested it and I must say it sounds really really good.

I have also breadboarded the contour section from the Marshall 8080, input and output buffers and volume control included, and placed it at the end of the circuit bypassing the A1M master. It improves the tweakability A LOT, I'll try to add another layout with it too.

Anyway, completely unverified. I ran through it twice, could not find mistakes, but another pair (or more) of eyes would be very welcome.



EDIT: bipolar converter based upon |v|ark's one posted on main site