PAIA Infinity Plus compressoer Sustainer

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PAIA Infinity Plus compressoer Sustainer

Would this be a good compressor for recording?

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Re: PAIA Infinity Plus compressoer Sustainer

For use with guitar and amp or for processing other sources like vocals and drums?
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Re: PAIA Infinity Plus compressoer Sustainer

I am assuming that the latter cos rarely people say "for recording" and talk about guitar and bass alone
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Re: PAIA Infinity Plus compressoer Sustainer

In reply to this post by Travis
I'm actually wanting to build a compressor that i can use in my live PA system as an insert patch.If this one will work for that i want to build 4 and use one for each subgroup on my mixing board.So im actually wanting to use it for live application sorry for the confusion. I use a Yamaha 2404 board with inserts on each subgroup.I really want to build a multi channel gate similar to the Peavey Xg5 noise gate and also use multi compressors so i would have the choice of one or the other for each subgroup.maybe someone on here might know of a good gate that works the same way as the Peavy Xg5 gate? I want to use compressor for vocals and gates for drums.