PNP Ge FuzzFace High Gain (hfe) Resistors

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PNP Ge FuzzFace High Gain (hfe) Resistors

I just got a few sets of some NKT275 red dots in different ranges, from the typical classic range to some high gain. I'm thinking about building a sunface with the high gain set (148hfe, 187hfe) figuring it won't be an issue due to the sundial (bias) knob, but that adjusts the bias for the usual 8.2k resistor for q2. But, when I checked the math using the electronics math helper from DIYSBF, but it says the 8.2k is fine, but that the 33k resistor at q1 should be 15.8k.

Do I need to be concerned about changing the 33k resistor to get the correct bias, or by keeping the sundial bias going to be able to bias it correctly with the 33k resistor still there?