Paisley drive volume

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Paisley drive volume

I built a paisley drive a little while back and although it's a great pedal it wasn't quite loud enough to keep with my other drives and maintain a consistent volume when switching between them. So when compering circuits with my rockbox boiling point which is similar I noticed the paisley had a 100r input resistor and the BP did not , so I decided to experiment and put a jumper instead of the 100r and at the 100r out the output. While I had the circuit open I also doubled the clipping diodes [ which to my understanding allows more clean sound before clipping making it seem louder] . After plugging the pedal back I was happily surprised that there was a measurable volume increase, enough to put the paisley back on my board. My question to those more knowledgeable is will/can this hurt the circuit or any pedals after it? If this is ok it seems to be a worthwhile mod.