Pale Horse

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Pale Horse

Has anyone seen anything about a clone for this pedal?
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Re: Pale Horse

Neil mcNasty
No. But...
It's just a Tube Screamer with High & Low Cut added + a diode select switch.

If you are techy enough, you could add these to any of the many Tube Screamer variants on this site.
As an example:
- Instead of inserting the diodes, you add a switch there, that selects different diodes.
Now you have the diode switch...
- Then you find where the signal enters the tone control, and you insert a high and low-pass filter in the same area...
Now you have all the features that you find on the Pale Horse...

There might be some differences in some values here and there in the circuit, so it might sound slightly different, but if you are looking for a Tube Screamer with additional features, this is one of the ways to go.
I also recomend that you look trough the insane ammount of TS variants on this site.
You will probably find a good alternative that allready has a layout.
After all: The Tube Screamer (and The Big Muff) has been recycled so many times that it's almost repulsive. Just like Lovepedal and their Elektra-fication scheme...

From what I hear, the Boiling Point is regarded as one of the nicest TS clones out there.
It lacks the High/Low-Cut, but it should not be a problem inserting it between the board (coming out of pin 5 of the op-amp) breakin the connection to lug-1 of the tone pot, then run it via a High/Low-cut filter, and then the output of the filter goes to lug 1 of the Tone pot.
You now have a kick ass TS-clone, that is guarranteed to give you the some of the best TS-tones out there!

Hope this helps you reach your goal, and remember that there are only a few pedal designs out there, that has been recycled over and over again.
So you are guarranteed to find loads of alternatives to that amazing sounding pedal-demo that you heard on youtube.
Also: any demos done by Andy at PGS, will sound amazing and totally different then when you play it. That just how it is with amazing players like Andy.
The same pretty much goes for Gearmandude, but in a different way: He allways blast the front end of his amp, resulting in a mixture of pedal and amp saturation/distortion. So you are actually not just hearing the pedals effect by it self. You also have a lot of amp distortion going on as well...

Here's an important experience for me:
All the amazing pedals that I bought because I loved the demo of it, has been sold!!!

They did not sound anything like the demos, and was often a huge dissapointment when I discovered that what I was hearing/falling in love with, was actually the Amp distorting.
So I got rid of all the OD/Distortion pedals and got myself a load of boosters.
So now I have OD, Distortion and Fuzz, just from 3 different boosters pushing my amps.

Now I can make my amps sound like a Roland BeeBaa Fuzz, just by engaging my SP201 Preamp/Booster, and I can hardly hear the difference when toggeling between the booster and the fuzz.
Meaning: that the amps distortion overshadows the effect of the fuzz, and the fuzz is therefore not needed with this setup. I use that for the clean amps.

Another important thing:
My AMZ Mini-booster sound amazing on my 1483 Silvertone, but pretty crap on the 1484 Silvertone.
The main difference between the amps cicuitry is the rectifying section (1483 is Tube Rectifying, and the 1484 is diode/SS), so pretty much the same amp design, but totally different result using the same pedal. Meaning that it is the amp's response to the pedal that matters most. Not just how the pedal sounds by itself.
The Amp sets the tone/sound, and the pedal shapes and colors it...
All Klon pedals I've tried with my setup sounds horrible and is regarded as a piece of shit in my world, but it sounds amazing on my friends Marshall stack when playing a Strat, so then it is the best pedal ever made!

Got to stop babbeling now!
I can go on for ages...
But I just love sharing stuff that I've learned/observed.
Just like most of the other people on this great forum...

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Re: Pale Horse

"They did not sound anything like the demos, and was often a huge disapointment when I discovered that what I was hearing/falling in love with, was actually the Amp distorting."

This is a very important point with dirt pedals.  They sound completely different depending on if you are using a clean amp versus a tube amp on the edge of breakup.  Once, I borrowed a friend's 9W Class A tube amp for a practice and noticed that all my overdrives sounded farty and buzzy.  Going though my clean Roland BC-60, they were fine.  This is because to hear the guitar in a band mix, I had to turn it up past the point of breakup.  As Neil mentioned above, for that scenario, a booster or tube screamer set to low gain would be sufficient.   The problem you get into if you play out is that you need to be able to play like a Marshall stack dimed but at lower decibel levels.  So, what I do is let the dirt boxes provide the overdrive/distortion through a clean amp with lots of headroom.   Of course, another viable alternative is to use a low power amp but mike it with an SM57 and patch that into the PA.  I actually do this too (even though I us a clean solid state amp) as it provides a way to mix the guitar, bass and vocals and have them be heard at sensible levels through the mains.  The amp then is more of a monitor for me.