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Parallel/Series (with order switch) Is it possible?

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Parallel/Series (with order switch) Is it possible?

56 posts
I've been trying to come up with an effect that will allow me to have effects in parallel or series.  When in series I would also like to be able to switch the order the effects are in.  My plan was to go into a splitter and then into this series/parallel switch:  http://www.rhythmanddetonation.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/SERIES-PARALLEL.jpg   

and also use the order switch found in this thread:  http://guitar-fx-layouts.42897.x6.nabble.com/Dual-Effects-One-enclosure-with-order-switching-td4994.html;cid=1500754635609-768

and then into my blend circuit which would then go to my output.  Is this even possible? No matter how I've tried to draw it out I always have a path with the effects in series.  If anyone can figure out a way to accomplish this I would love to see it!
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Re: Parallel/Series (with order switch) Is it possible?

384 posts
jghfslk wrote
 If anyone can figure out a way to accomplish this I would love to see it!
You and me both, but ideally it would also have an A/B/Y output selector footswitch that cycled through  with each push  

I've resigned myself to accepting that this kind of routing probably requires digital logic switching.
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Re: Parallel/Series (with order switch) Is it possible?

253 posts
I think you could be right about needing something fancy to cycle through the different choices

for changing the order, here's a suitable discussion that should be useful

for simple series / parallel switching you could just use a DPDT switch and wire it as you would for the coils of a guitar pickup http://guitarelectronics.com/humbucker-series-parallel/ 

Not too sure if the (Parallel) shared inputs and outputs might cause impedance issues or not? if so it could be worth experimenting with something like http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/split-n-blend.html but without the pot?
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Re: Parallel/Series (with order switch) Is it possible?

313 posts
I love thinking of ways to wire switches to do my bidding :D

By personal experience I have to say that just splitting the signal to 2 different effects might not work as you would like. Impedance differences will ruin the mix. You definately need to use buffers or the split&blend. Here is how I pictured it, so you can also use the blend pot when in parallel.

Having a switch to change the order when in series, grandly complicates things because you need to reroute almost every jack, I think it would need something like a 5PDT to to that, and greatly coplicate connections and signal routes in the box. Probably not worth it.
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Re: Parallel/Series (with order switch) Is it possible?

56 posts
I was thinking this might be more trouble than it is worth..  I've built pedals that can do order switching and built other pedals that can switch between series and parallel.  It's having both options in the same circuit that complicates it much more.