Paul Gilbert Detox EQ

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Paul Gilbert Detox EQ

Paul Gilbert Detox EQ - This looks good for cleaning up overdriven single channel amps, or do people recommend a better EQ pedal than this? Cheers
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Re: Paul Gilbert Detox EQ

Request post resurrection:
I had the chance of testing it for a week and sincerely, I never found anything that cleans better than this. I tried with the danelectro eq, (much nicer that the BOSS eq), but nothing remotely close to it. I´m getting better results with a wampler black 65 with the gain at 0 and playing with its own tone controls, but I remember the detox having a more transparent tone stack and cleaning far better, (clean volume almost the same volume than my cranked hiwatt dr-103 ).
Anyway, I found some pictures of the guts, (on this thread: ), and seemed to fit on a 1590b with no problem:

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Re: Paul Gilbert Detox EQ

Neil mcNasty
This is great news!
A friend of mine asked if I could make a replica of this one, but I could not find much to go off from.
But now there is something to start offf from!
I do not have much experience in tracing, but I will gladly contribute with my limited knowledge to this.
I guess this is something that more of us would like to see decoded, so hopefully we can figure it out if we put our minds together...

One thing I know for shure is that the IC is a high-quality/bandwidth rail to rail BurrBrown Opamp
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Re: Paul Gilbert Detox EQ

I could trace it if we can get a clear flat shot of the top and bottom of the board. Then I can impose the imagers ontop of eachother and get it. I can't do it with these unfortunately.
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Re: Paul Gilbert Detox EQ

I went further before reading your post, and asked the guy information about labeling of caps, and IC... If you could get along with a couple of pictures, may be I could "relax" my request a little... Or may be you guys could enter the thread and help him ;)
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Re: Paul Gilbert Detox EQ

In reply to this post by jwroper
I'm also very interested in this pedal. I thing that the new Mad Professor Evolution Orange Underdrive it is based on the Detox EQ.

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Re: Paul Gilbert Detox EQ

This post was updated on .
That´s good news!
Since I would use it with a hiwatt dr-103, I was going to try the sabrotone dr-103 preamp emulator, but I had problem before trying jfets to work properly...