Pedal Comparing box

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Pedal Comparing box

Ok, stupid question probably > Can anyone point me to a schematic for hooking up two stompboxes with a selectable output?

I want to be able to flip between two effects plugged into the same box (for comparison purposes)... seems like I would just need a SPDT on/on switch to swap the inputs right? Or a DPDT if I wanted to include an LED?


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Re: Pedal Comparing box

Simple A B box HERE for led status use 3pdt switch and add a battery
If it wasn't for this website I would definitely have a life.
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Re: Pedal Comparing box

The A B box will handle the effect sends, but you'll need a Y connector or something to handle the returns. The nice thing is that it (effectively) grounds the input of the unused circuit.

Alternatively, you could handle both inputs and outputs with a switch like this one:

This could be made into a stand-alone box, or built into a pedal with two circuits in it. As a stand-alone box, it will require six 1/4" jacks. The downside is that it won't ground the unused circuit input. That only matters on a few circuits, and if it's just for comparing pedals it should be fine. If it's used live, you should test the circuits for oscillation in bypass before you use it. (Just switch back and a few times while playing to make sure there's no unexpected noise .)
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Re: Pedal Comparing box

Thanks guys! Yeah, that's kinda what I was thinking... so if I was to say, drop a 9v source in this thing so I could have an LED indicator (Either a bi-color, or two separates)... then I would just  use the third pole on a 3pdt to connect the LED ground on the corresponding effect, right?

So, if I were to do that, would I connect all the jack grounds?
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Re: Pedal Comparing box

Ok, so this got me to thinking... could the unused effect be grounded if we used a 4pdt switch (like in an effect order switcher)?
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Re: Pedal Comparing box

Yes on both counts.
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Re: Pedal Comparing box

Hey Induction, finally got around to doing a layout for this. Can you put a second pair of eyes on it for us? What do you think?


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Re: Pedal Comparing box

That looks correct to me.
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Re: Pedal Comparing box

Thanks man!