PedalPCB Hyped Fuzz

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PedalPCB Hyped Fuzz

An unverified layout of a tweaked version of the (in)fanous Boss FZ2. Input buffer and the following discrete op amp has been replaced with a dual op amp. Also, the rotary switch is replaced with a DPDT on/on/on switch but could easily be switched back to a rotary.
It calls for BC549C transistors which is quite hot compared to the stock obsolete trannies.
Other than that, it's basically a stock Boss FZ".
The layout is not verified and I don't plan to build it any time soon but someone else might be brave to tackle this?

Schematic at Bugg's place.

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Re: PedalPCB Hyped Fuzz

Built this....only the clean boost section seems to be working.