Pedals running at 18v?

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Pedals running at 18v?

So I'm under the impression that my Timmy and Kalamazoo clones will be able to run at 18v using appropriate caps. I built a Sonic Titan clone using appropriate caps and an LM386-N4, that should be fine at 18v too, right? I was thinking of getting a Voodoo Labs ISO 5 and one spot is 18v so I was wondering if that would work. Thanks.
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Re: Pedals running at 18v?

18V is the max voltage for the LM386 N4, so it wouldn't be a good idea to run it right at the max voltage

The one spot is 9V unless they came out with an 18V one that I don't know about

You could build a charge pump like one of the ones we have layouts for on the site. I built a charge pump into a little enclosure so I could try powering different pedals at 18V

  photo 90D4D89C-0397-4E6C-A380-CB24C8FF748B_zpsipwcbgdc.jpg
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Re: Pedals running at 18v?

Oops. I meant one of the spots on the ISO 5. I should have worded it differently. Thanks for letting me know about the N-4. Definitely not a good idea then.