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People like this....

... that just make me embarrassed to say I play guitar - GAH!!!

and this....

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: People like this....

She is indeed very good!   However, the dexterity required to do those scale exercises is quite similar to what good violin player uses to do similar exercises.  And there are very many young virtuosos making similar music on violins, violas, and cellos, and they blow my mind even more because they have no frets at all!

One more thing - you can find thousands of viruosos of all ages on YouTube.  They are all brilliant in heir own ways, from acoustic and classical to shredding metalheads.  Some of them will inspire me in various ways.  In some cases, I wish I could play like them.  But there is little correlation between my enjoyment of music and virtuosity.  I love U2, for instance, and the Edge is not a technical player, but the moods he creates with his guitar parts can be quite awesome.
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Re: People like this....

In reply to this post by Chris60601

Because because she can shred guitar with the best of them? It's a skill that anyone can learn if they're just disciplined enough to practice. Because her technical prowess makes you feel insecure about you're own playing? We all have that. She probably feels inadequate about her playing too in some areas. The only people who never feel insecure usually have egos bigger then themselves (Yngwie himself comes to mind). And since their egos are big enough to fill out a whole band its no wonder these people can never function in a real band.

I used to feel inadequate about my own guitar playing as I always compared myself to my heroes. Even though plenty of people kept saying I was good I never believed it. Nowadays however I am comfortable with myself as a guitarist. I won't say I'm the best guitar player, and there's probably lots of things I wish I could do that I can't. But I feel that I have found my own musical voice, and you know what? That's good enough for me. I'd rather have my own style then be good at copying those of others.
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Re: People like this....

In reply to this post by Chris60601
I've followed Tina S for ages on YouTube, since she was a little girl with a big acoustic.  She's incredibly good especially considering the age she was when her dad started posting videos.  Some people just get it straight away and make the whole thing look effortless, and she's one of them.
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Re: People like this....

In reply to this post by Chris60601
Although she is technically amazing, I've got to a point where all this 'shredding' starts the sound machine-like and robotic. I used to love all that neo-classical stuff and envied all that could play like that until I stopped trying and just enjoyed playing what I felt like playing, blues based rock/doom/stoner etc..Now I smile when I play rather than get pissed off with keeping up with a metronome. Don't get me wrong, it's very impressive, I just don't 'feel' anything from it....
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Re: People like this....

There are very few shredders who I think are good enough to actually put feeling into it as well as keep the tempo up.  I still like that music but it never impresses me as much as a really great guitarist.  There are guitarists who can quite literally put tears in my eyes, but none are shredders.
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Re: People like this....

I agree Mark .. the guitarists I admire most tend to be the ones who can put so much feeling into a single note .. often it is the space between notes and selection of those notes that make the difference.  Then there is the way they bend / pre-bend and vibrato etc which adds so much to the 'feeling' that just gets me.

Yes I admire those technically proficient players who can master the million notes a minute, but for me they lack the 'feel' that I like.

Give me David Gilmour, Gary Moore, Michael Schenker (dare I say it Hank Marvin) and many others like them any day