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Pharaoh owners

610 posts
Hi guys,

I know this has been discussed before in the thread for the Black Arts Pharaoh, but just a double check..

I have built pedals before with switches to switch in germanium diodes. Throbak Overdrive Bosster for instance. The germanium volume is always lower compared to non-diode settings. I understand this.

The Pharaoh though.. Man. With the germanium diodes switched on, I have to open the volume all the way to get a signal passed unity gain. The non-diode though, that's unity with the volume barely open. Like way, way loud. Compared to the silicon as well.

Is this in the original too? I mean the difference is really really loud. Does anyone own or played an original by any chance?
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Re: Pharaoh owners

3037 posts
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Re: Pharaoh owners

610 posts
Thanks so much for the fast reply!

That's great, no errors then! Well, I connected the 2m2 drop down between the circuit and switch instead of 'also' from switch to ground.. that was a bit dumb haha.

The 1n34a is what's used in the original too? If I may be so bold asking questions?

It's a pretty brutal pedal, while still not feeling that high gain if that makes sense? It's cool, I like it. There was a bit of fizz at first, but that's seems to be gone. Also the decay is different from other pedals I've played. Whereas the signal normally fades/feedbacks out like a bouncing ball on a floor ( slower-slow-fastfastfasterfastest), this one does not seems to ring out a lot longer and doesn't really seem to reach that stage of fading. Not sure yet if that was the strong beer playing tricks on my ears and if it's something that bothers me...

If the above doesn't make any sense whatsoever, I understand haha.

Op maandag 24 oktober 2016 heeft rocket88 [via Guitar FX Layouts] <[hidden email]> het volgende geschreven:
i have a real one and yes, the volume drop is that massive.

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Re: Pharaoh owners

3037 posts
Haha, I get what you mean. The pharaoh is the first boutique pedal I bought and do like it, but there's always room for improvement I think. Compared to a lot of the other muff and muff variants I've built you can tell differences, like you mention in the decay.

I can check this weekend when I get back to my house and see if I can tell what markings are on the diodes. Don't forget I'm living in NYC during the week while going for my doctorate, so checking stuff will take me longer then my normal quick checks. Remember that the amount of volume drop is going to be dependent on the forward voltage drop of the diodes. The lower the voltage drop, the lower the output. So you can try Ge diodes with a higher voltage drop and you should get similar distortion with more output.
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Re: Pharaoh owners

610 posts
Oh thanks a lot! Don't worry about it, I'm just glad you're willing to check! I don't have a lot of options come to think of it.. the only other germanium I have in 'stock' are D9e . But I'd appreciate it!

So far it's the setting I like best. It's got that more saggy stoner feel to it. The volume is just so low. Full volume is just above unity. If I'd switch between clean and fuzz, it's going to be tougher in a band setting.
The Silicon I like too. More biting, very gainy, but less body.
The no diode setting... I don't know.. it's so.. dry. It's in your face, but a bit too clean for me I guess.
Then again, my last 2 'muffy' builds were an opamp muff and a Frantone Cream puff. Those are very saturated.

Op maandag 24 oktober 2016 heeft rocket88 [via Guitar FX Layouts] <[hidden email]> het volgende geschreven:
Haha, I get what you mean. The pharaoh is the first boutique pedal I bought and do like it, but there's always room for improvement I think. Compared to a lot of the other muff and muff variants I've built you can tell differences, like you mention in the decay.

I can check this weekend when I get back to my house and see if I can tell what markings are on the diodes. Don't forget I'm living in NYC during the week while going for my doctorate, so checking stuff will take me longer then my normal quick checks. Remember that the amount of volume drop is going to be dependent on the forward voltage drop of the diodes. The lower the voltage drop, the lower the output. So you can try Ge diodes with a higher voltage drop and you should get similar distortion with more output.

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Re: Pharaoh owners

183 posts
You can try a pair of LED's instead of the diode bypass.  

 I built a Pharaoh Supreme and the first  option is only 2  germanium diodes, instead of the 3 you probably have on yours so it's really quiet.   You can try 4 germanium diodes for more volume.
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Re: Pharaoh owners

3037 posts
it's not a problem man. just saying, you know i'm always fast with helping and investigating, just now i'm slow, which kills me. i've even got a few orders coming and i told them that right now my build time is about 4-6 weeks, when i used to be able to finish an order in about 1-2.

i don't think mine has that low of an output, but it's significantly lower in the Ge setting. with that being said, i don't think it's a build error. it's got to be that the forward voltage of the Ge diodes you're using is lower then the diodes in the stock pharaoh. also, don't forget that what diode you use will change the character of the distortion. the D9E to me is fairly polite and distort later compared to what i typically like, also not as much lows. i think they also have a higher forward voltage then a lot of other Ge diodes, if i remember correctly. but, in any event, i'll check mine when i get home friday and let you know.

the only way you can do that sphere is if you use a rotary switch. otherwise when you select between Ge and Si you're going to be running with the LEDs as well. it may be cool, idk since i've never tried that.

the idea of 4 Ge diodes wont do it, you'd need 6, cause you're going to want to double each diode keep it the same, so you'll have 4 diodes in one direction, and 2 in the other. this will accomplish getting more output and keeping a similar sound.
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Re: Pharaoh owners

610 posts
Ah yes, ofcourse! Too bad,I thought Leds could give a nice flavour indeed.
I know what you mean with lack of time. I have been on a mission selling a lot of my good quality guitars for, well, great guitars :)
That means I have a great acoustic Gibson that demands time. Don't get me wrong, I understand that mine is by choice, but dividing attention is rough. I need to build a lot to keep learning ;)

Speaking of which.. maybe I did make a build error.. you mentioned it shouldn't be that low. That made me realize; I use the green ring 1n34a diodes. Cause I was working with silicons as well, where the ring is the cathode I think, with the 1n34a its the other way around? In that case I might have placed them backwards which could explain the lack of volume?

Op maandag 24 oktober 2016 heeft rocket88 [via Guitar FX Layouts] <[hidden email]> het volgende geschreven:
it's not a problem man. just saying, you know i'm always fast with helping and investigating, just now i'm slow, which kills me. i've even got a few orders coming and i told them that right now my build time is about 4-6 weeks, when i used to be able to finish an order in about 1-2.

i don't think mine has that low of an output, but it's significantly lower in the Ge setting. with that being said, i don't think it's a build error. it's got to be that the forward voltage of the Ge diodes you're using is lower then the diodes in the stock pharaoh. also, don't forget that what diode you use will change the character of the distortion. the D9E to me is fairly polite and distort later compared to what i typically like, also not as much lows. i think they also have a higher forward voltage then a lot of other Ge diodes, if i remember correctly. but, in any event, i'll check mine when i get home friday and let you know.

the only way you can do that sphere is if you use a rotary switch. otherwise when you select between Ge and Si you're going to be running with the LEDs as well. it may be cool, idk since i've never tried that.

the idea of 4 Ge diodes wont do it, you'd need 6, cause you're going to want to double each diode keep it the same, so you'll have 4 diodes in one direction, and 2 in the other. this will accomplish getting more output and keeping a similar sound.

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Re: Pharaoh owners

1993 posts
Since they're antiparallel you can't really put them backwards
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Re: Pharaoh owners

610 posts
Damn it haha Thanks 

Op dinsdag 25 oktober 2016 heeft Travis [via Guitar FX Layouts] <[hidden email]> het volgende geschreven:
Since they're antiparallel you can't really put them backwards

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Re: Pharaoh owners

1993 posts
Well actually the Ge part is asymmetrical but there shouldn't be an audible difference either way
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Re: Pharaoh owners

610 posts
Hm.. too bad. I know it's only 2 point desoldering, flip it and resolder, but it's early in the morning and just arrived at work (not being lazy! :D)
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Re: Pharaoh owners

610 posts
In reply to this post by Travis
Forget everything I said about the diodes :) I see there is no difference in how polarity is shown on silicon and germanium. I have always put the diodes with the ring as shown in the layout, so they should be correct.

I measured some of the green ring 1n34a diodes with the DCA55, and the forward voltage was around 0.7?

I checked some D9E diodes, and those were all around 0.4 ish.

To have more output I should have an even higher number than 0.7?
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Re: Pharaoh owners

3037 posts
This post was updated on Oct 25, 2016; 7:54am.
correct you should get more output form .7V forward voltage then .4V. can you post pics of the diodes? maybe of the build too. i still don't think it's a build error, unless the switch is the problem, which i don't think it is. if it works right in 2 positions but not in the other the only point that's different is where the diodes are soldered to the switch. since the wiring to the board is the same for all 3 positions. know what i mean?

as for lack of time, i've finally realized that the most valuable thing i have is time. i mean this in reference to everything. with all my courses i just don't have enough to do everything when i want to. i mean my gross anatomy course takes up like 3-4hrs a day, my class on how to examine patients and evaluate them takes up about 1hr a day (more the past couple cause of my practical today and written exam thursday), my kinesiology and biomechanics class takes up about 1-2hrs, applied physiology about 1hr, then i have 2 other course that are about 1-2hrs a day and require either conducting researcher, volunteer work, and participation with local medical groups, all not counting going to class and the anatomy lab. there simply isn't enough time in the day and eventually you break. like today, i can back to my apt after my practical order food, ate, then tried to just reset and watch a little tv, passed out for 5hrs and worst is that now can't go back to sleep, and have to get ready for class in less then 3hrs. so now i'm going to just stay up and continue reviewing so i don't fall behind, and hopefully tomorrow i can stay up long enough to pass out at a normal human hour and get up with enough sleep.

when it comes to selling pedals, the parts are nothing, it's the build time. i had someone want a phaser for 2/3 what i sell it for, which i politely turned down and explained that the time to build the effect is what makes it expensive, which at $200 i don't really find a hand built effect on stripboard expensive. i mean it's not automated, no premade pcb that some unskilled laborer just puts parts in and class it a day. no quick silk screen labels, since i acid etch and paint each pedal individually. funny that people think that everything should be cheap because it's just a pedal, i can grab a mass produced effect for like nothing. the funny thing is guy never responded back.

time is just way to way to valuable and undervalued. sorry for the rant, just had to get all that out. lol

btw, always good to work on getting better instruments by selling others. even though i have more then most, no where near as much as heath does, i'm so damn picky that i just either wait till i can get what i want that either sounds good to me, or get something that feels great in my hands and upgrade it to where i want it. the only time i've ever sold one of my instruments is when i traded my fender tele for my g&l asat. i literally picked up the g&l, played it, had the store hold it for me, went home to grab my tele to trade it that day. i'll get another one one of these days though, but damn that asat blew me away, and i am a massive g&l freak. lol
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Re: Pharaoh owners

610 posts
Hm.. I'm afraid changing diodes won't do so much then.. I mean, if these are .7v already, I think it'l be hard finding higher values in germanium?

Man, that sounds like a rough schedule... damn. By all means: Vent! For how long have you keep this up? Apart from the hours those courses sound very demanding.. Much respect! I already get stressed out if someone wants to drop by for a drink cause that means less free time. I can imagine it being even more frustrated if people nag about pedals like that. I have had people ask too, but have turned anything besides friends down so far. First, I don't feel i'm at that level yet, plus the few times I got the same thing.
So many people judge a hand built pedal by parts: " I have heard pedals are overpriced, it's just 15$ in parts blah". Especially when you don't have the luxury to buy in bulk, add shipping costs to get it etc.

People/friends asked me for a chorus or phaser too: I just said no. I would love to do it, but you can get the same pedal from MXR or EHX on ebay for 1/3 of what I would charge just to get the parts. And then I'm not even making a profit. I'm flattered, but be smart and buy the original haha. I just threw away another decal an hour ago :D I'd love to silkscreen, but for one-offs? Not possible. I can't even imagine the time it takes for the etching you do.

It's hard to find the energy to write/record music or finally learn some *&^basic electronics. Or play guitar.. I was not picky buying guitars, and the last 18 years I didn't go on holidays, but bought guitars. They were all fine, but I sold a few to buy a custom shop strat and man. It's all I have played since. I really have not had the need to play the others, so decided to get rid of them for a Gibson acoustic and maybe one more.

Never played an G&L! Not that common here in Holland I think.

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Re: Pharaoh owners

610 posts
In reply to this post by rocket88
Oh, ofcourse the pics:

I wired it funny perhaps, hopefully right though. Was planning on taping it somehow

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Re: Pharaoh owners

3037 posts
In reply to this post by Marbles
Ive got 3yrs due to my undergrad degree, and I'll be going through the summer too, I think I'll have a week vacation. It's pretty stressful since it's midterm time.

Not sure if you know about g&l, but essentially it's the ultimate of Leo fenders designs. He essentially took everything he learned when he created fender and musicman and designed the destroy it. My friend is even pissed when he compared my g&l legacy (strat) to his fender strat. It's funny cause most people don't know about them and they're hard to find, mostly all made to order, so not "customshop" extra charges. Still all handmade on the same machines Leo used, and th pickups are glorious. For my hands nothing fits better and sounds as thunderous, well one of the basses I built does give it a run for it's money.
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Re: Pharaoh owners

610 posts
Man that's tough, try to take it easy though. I've seen people burn out cause of less.. Hang in there!

I have heard about them, but never actually played them. I know there are a lot of brands/builders that would probably be better than the Fenders or Gibsons of today, but for some reason.. I just really wanted a CS Strat. I know that otherwise I would always be thinking: Wouldn't a Fender/Gibson have been better? Silly maybe, but was a reason for me. Haven't regretted it so far, but who knows ;)

I was thinking about the germanium diodes and the comment of adding 3 more to make it louder. How would I go about doing that? Just add the same 'block' of them on top of the others?

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Re: Pharaoh owners

Silver Blues
1220 posts
In reply to this post by rocket88
Firstly with regard to the additional diodes, you want to put them in series, just as they are in the original layout, but just put in more of them. So like you have one facing one direction and two in series facing the other, so just add three and put in five facing one direction and three in the other.

Regarding the time discussion, I feel that so completely Rocket, it's a similar scenario for me and I'm not even close to the level you're at (third year chem major + biochem). I haven't been sleeping well at all lately and it's been killing me slowly, partly because I have four labs a week plus one that I TA so I'm perpetually writing full formal lab reports while also trying to do practice for lecture material and have two seconds to myself or people I care about. Just yesterday (well, this morning I guess) I was up till like 3 or so finishing up a report for physical organic chem, then had to get up at 730 to go to class (what idiot decided to start classes at 830am? and that's every day of the week for me as well which is extra suffering). So basically every day I have 4 hours of class plus four hours of lab, and then I have a further three hours of class beginning at 7pm on Tuesdays... easily the worst thing I've ever done.

So I definitely agree with the time is valuable assessment  even for me building pedals with no commercial interest, it takes me hours to research what and how I want to build, then prepare the enclosure, then wire it up in a way that is neat and also works well. The time is most of the reason I can't build shit during the school year, and also why I'm not around here as much as I'd like to be. I haven't even picked up an instrument (well, a musical one lol) for an appreciable amount of time since September.

And yeah there's a couple of G&Ls I'd like to get my hands on, some of the tones out of those things are monstrous. But then there's the fact that I have no money and play fixed up and modified used instruments (and of course there's nothing wrong with that, I love them) but a guy can dream!
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Pharaoh owners

3037 posts
Forgot to post about my pharaoh. The diodes in question at 1N34A, but have a different appearance as they're black with a white stripe, thing a glass 1n400x diode.