Pics from NAMM 2015

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Pics from NAMM 2015

So, I was at NAMM last Jan. and got some good pics which I have been wanting to share:

This shows a new "magic cable" by Mad Professor that actually (they say) enhances the sound from the guitar pickup to the first pedal. Completely passive. They couldn't tell me (at all) how it works.

The Wampler Booth with the new Plexi-deluxe (which I did hear)

The amazing variety of ZVex pedals out there: must be 200 models....

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Re: Pics from NAMM 2015

Thanks Paul.  Cool pics.  Yeah, making pedals IS a business...  
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Re: Pics from NAMM 2015

In reply to this post by motterpaul
That Mad Professor cable is complete bullshit and that under drive pedal as well. There's no such thing as an under drive. You've got a booster, overdrive, fuzz and distortion. If I were to class anything as an "under drive" it would be a pedal that doesn't reach unity gain, and thus lowering the actual gain of your signal.

Bah, I hate fake marketing!
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Re: Pics from NAMM 2015

In reply to this post by motterpaul
Nice pics Paul, thanks for posting them
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Re: Pics from NAMM 2015

In reply to this post by Frank_NH
Frank, I don't think I even got all of the ZVex pedals - they had bout 300 on display. Some were dupes but not many.

I was also playing guitar at Eddie Kramer's F-Pedals booth (the ones that get their 9v through the encasement below just by being in contact with the pedal board) when he walked up and was watching me play. I have to say the pedals sounds pretty good (all in small boxes) - especially working together.