Pink Purple Fuzz oscillation

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Pink Purple Fuzz oscillation

Hey guys. I built this a couple days ago and I'm getting the dreaded oscillation problem.

Anyone got some tips for a fix that has gotten rid of oscillation in this (or another) circuit?
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Re: Pink Purple Fuzz oscillation

The usual advice is to try shielded wire for the input and output.  Reading the comments for this project, it appears others have experience oscillation too.  Check out the comments for some remedies (e.g. make sure your transistors are oriented correctly).
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Re: Pink Purple Fuzz oscillation

Thanks, Frank. I read the comments and it seems that nobody has solved this problem and lived to tell the tale..

I am sure that my pinouts are correct, but I did try flipping Q3 backwards just for kicks and it killed the oscillation. It changed the fundamental sound a bit though. Kinda thinned it out.. I flipped Q2 and it was the same result

I've also tried dozens of transistors now.. Nothing has gotten rid of the oscillation yet (at least not without ruining the sound).

I read your comment though and tried to move the input wire around to see if that would help.. It didn't although I noticed that when I touch the shielding it makes a different sound. So it seems like that wire is susceptible to interference

I'll need to buy some shielded cable to see if that helps. I think that's my best bet currently