Pinnacle - too trebly!

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Pinnacle - too trebly!

Hi Folks
Built a Wampler Pinnacle and very pleased I am with it, tons of gain, very Van Halen tone and fairly quiet too. But I do find it to be very treble biased - the vintage mode is unusable as it makes it way to tinny. Can I alter any components to change the tonality of the circuit or am I stuck with it?
It's this build....

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Pinnacle - too trebly!

An update on this one - I increased the output cap to 2.2 uf and it has transformed the sound! Now full and meaty and can use the treble control instead of turning it right down. Worth doing to your own build!!
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Re: Pinnacle - too trebly!

Thanks! Is still on my too build list (though Van Halen is not really my cup of tea.. sorry!)
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Re: Pinnacle - too trebly!

It's a great sounding pedal and more importantly, feels great under the fingers! It has so much gain without being silly and it lets you lay back and play so much better. Sounds like a juicy Marshall amp - not just for VH fans. Quiet when not playing, too :)
Well worth building, having the footswitchable gain boost is a great extra feature.
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Re: Pinnacle - too trebly!

Cool, thanks!