Pinout 2n3565

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Pinout 2n3565

Yes.. the questions keep coming :)

I gave the fOxx Tone Machine a go. I got a batch of 1n34a from Canada for a reasonable price thanks to tips on this forum.
Did not get it to work though. I was wondering if this had to do with the pinout? I have searched everywhere, but got 3 different answers. Most sheets I found, the transistor had a different shape compared to the ones I got.
I have black circular ones, with a blue dot on them. If you look closely, one side is a bit more straight. I read that that would be the emitter. That would mean that it matches this shape:

Is that correct? Or should i twist some legs?
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Re: Pinout 2n3565

Do you have a multimeter with a built in tester? That is the easiest way to find out for sure which leg is which.
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Re: Pinout 2n3565

I never thought about that

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Re: Pinout 2n3565


Should be the same as the 2n5088.  I'd try some 2n5088s in there and see if it works.
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Re: Pinout 2n3565

Thanks for the link!

It's just that the transistors I have have a different shape. They're round and have a really small part that is dulled.

But I noticed I messed something else up, did not count the rows well..

As for the transistors, let this be a lesson to me to not solder them directly if im not 100% sure ;)
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Re: Pinout 2n3565

If I'm building a new circuit for the first time, I will always use sockets for the transistors and diodes. that way I can experiment with all the transistors and diodes that I have available, until I find the best sounding combination.

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Re: Pinout 2n3565


These are your friend. Snip off three of the single inline ones for transistors.

Also you can always just google the transistor number and the word "pinout" to get the right orientation. Click on "images" if you don't see it right away.
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Re: Pinout 2n3565

Thanks, I have that small line.
I desoldered the transistors and put them in while I had the circuit out.

Thank goodness I did too! The 2n3565 look like they have the pinout of the 5088, so that's how I put them in.
The fuzz was reaaaalllly gated. Like, not in a nice way. I remembered people talking about turning them, and oh man. That's what it's supposed to sound like. Tune a guitar to C and you have the first QOTSA album type sounds.

Thanks for all the advice!
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Re: Pinout 2n3565

This is one of the rare instances when datasheets cannot be relied on, unless the datasheet you find on the internet exactly matches the part number you have.

I bought some 2N2222 plastic case transistors a couple of years ago, and could not understand why some of them did not work. It turned out I had a few rogue P2N2222 in the batch. These have the "regular" pinout reversed.
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Re: Pinout 2n3565

Well, you convinced me.. I will always socket them. Unless I have built the same circuit a few times, which is not going to be happening very soon :D