Pladask Elektrisk - Romferd

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Pladask Elektrisk - Romferd

Hi there! Been browsing this amazing site for quite a while and have had mostly successful builds!
First post on the forum though.
I don't know anything about this pedal, other than it sounds like something I want to build. So, if someone has something, feel free to make my day :)
Or delete the post for lack of relevans.! Maybe knutolai is here somewhere even? :D

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Re: Pladask Elektrisk - Romferd

Seems like a crazy modded PT2399 modulated delay with very short delay times on a preset switch and a variable LPF switch. The "self-modulating frequency modulation" control is the bit I"m not sure about, maybe some LDR controlled element of the LFO fed from an LED fed from another part of the circuit? The rest is quite possible with any modulated PT delay like the echobase, deluxe pitch pirate etc but with the 2k ish resistor on the delay pot reduced to give much shorter minimum delay times for that metallic quasi reverb-y sound. You need to be a bit careful reducing the resistor too much since the PT2399 is known to occasionally lock up if the pin 6 resistance is way too low during power-up: There is an anti- lock up mod out there to help with that.
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Re: Pladask Elektrisk - Romferd

My circuit skills is somewhere between understanding a vero layout and the function of a potentiometer ;)

I have built 5 or so delays that I really like, DeProfundis, CrapFi, Cave Dweller and some more of the other pt-circuits. I really love how this one sounds in the demo vid, don't know why, it has something..! Maybe should try out echo base for now!

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Re: Pladask Elektrisk - Romferd

In reply to this post by nocentelli
Maybe the selfmodulation in the romferd is similar to the modulation in Pladask Elektrisk Workshop Delay V2-3

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Re: Pladask Elektrisk - Romferd

Addy Bart
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In reply to this post by nocentelli
Perhaps this sheds some light on the circuit? Sorry I couldn't get a better pic. It's a friend's pedal.

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Re: Pladask Elektrisk - Romferd

Sorry I can't be of any help, but I dig the "WHY DID YOU OPEN ME?" on the PCB 😄
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Re: Pladask Elektrisk - Romferd

In reply to this post by Addy Bart
Haha.. Love that board :)
I like the sound of most everything I hear from Pladask.
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Re: Pladask Elektrisk - Romferd

In reply to this post by KT
KT wrote
Maybe the selfmodulation in the romferd is similar to the modulation in Pladask Elektrisk Workshop Delay V2-3