Plastic pot covers

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Plastic pot covers

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Re: Plastic pot covers

Silver Blues
They come with the Alpha pots Tayda sells. IDK if you can get them by themselves.
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Re: Plastic pot covers

All of the ones I have came on alpha pots I ordered from tayda, like silver said. I found these, from smallbear, which appear to be them. There are alternatives too. Barry at guitarpcb sells pot condoms here, which are silicone.
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Re: Plastic pot covers

In reply to this post by RockyCraggs
SmallBear has them also -

Buggers. I see rocket said that too.

And there's always Mammoth (a bit pricey for my taste)

But they do offer colors (if you are into spending the extra money for something that wont be seen).
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Plastic pot covers

Yeah, I bought a bunch from smallbear when I started building, before I discovered tayda (where you can get the pots half-price and they came with the covers).

I therefore have a bunch that I don't use, if you need a few I can send some your way.
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Re: Plastic pot covers

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Re: Plastic pot covers

Just drop me a line with your address and how many you'd want at *phill egal speed "at" yahoo dot com*

Remover the spaces and change at for @....
