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Plexi Drive Tone Control

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Plexi Drive Tone Control

675 posts
It just dawned on me, considering a 25k audio pot is not readily available, wouldn't creating and using a 12.5n cap with a 20k audio pot give the exact same results as the original 10n and 25k audio pot combination used as the Plexi Drive's Tone control?

I have enough monolythic caps to pair up and make a 12.5n.

Until now, I've been using a dual 50k pot wired in parallel, seems like the 12.5n/20k combo would give the same results.

Since the taper of the pots are the same, that would mean the pot rotation's % of resistance would remain relative between the 2 pot values, so I'm thinking the filter would remain relative too.  

25k pot - adjusted at 20% resistance value - 5k/10n = 3184.7 Hz
20k pot - adjusted at 20% resistance value - 4k/12.5n =  3184.7 Hz

25k pot - adjusted at 50% resistance value - 12.5k/10n = 1273.9 Hz
20k pot - adjusted at 50% resistance value - 10k/12.5n =  1273.9 Hz

25k pot - adjusted at 80% resistance value - 20k/10n = 796.2 Hz
20k pot - adjusted at 80% resistance value - 16k/12.5n =  796.2 Hz

25k pot - adjusted at 100% resistance value - 25k/10n = 636.9 Hz
20k pot - adjusted at 100% resistance value - 20k/12.5n =  636.9 Hz

It seems like the 12.5n/20k combo would give the exact same results as the original 10n/25k combo.

Is this correct?  Am I missing something?



1978 Gibson Les Paul Standard, Cherry Sunburst