Plus pedal or ehx freeze style

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Plus pedal or ehx freeze style

A freeze style pedal or plus pedal?? Is this possible with the current building options guys? Mny thanks!! Keep on truckin'... i dont know why that phrase came to mind...
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Re: Plus pedal or ehx freeze style

I think you'll be lucky to find a workable schematic, let alone a vero layout for such an effect, most likely (for the freeze at least) to be a programmed chip so without the code it won't do it. The are probably spin fv-1 or similar workalikes, but they are not necessarily best done on vero (but possible).

I have built myself about 70% of the pedals on my board, but the EHX supergo was one of the few pedals I bought in the last 8 years, lots of fun.

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Re: Plus pedal or ehx freeze style

Fair enough.. i may bite the bullet soon then. Many thanks for the reply dude