Pocket Power Supply Stripboard

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Pocket Power Supply Stripboard


I thought this would be a good idea for those of us who go to car boot sales and whatever people in the US have (or indeed the rest of the world)

using a 9 volt battery it gives out the following voltages 3 volts, 5 volts, 9 volts and 12 volts

www.paulinthelab.com - Stripboard Layouts
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Re: Pocket Power Supply Stripboard

Can understand that a pair of crocodile clips would work (or just wires) for the output power, but I should imagine a lot of items may be tricky to test without the actual jack that item required. Something sealed or a seller unwilling to let you unscrew the casing for example.

Great idea for the items you could use it on though :)
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Re: Pocket Power Supply Stripboard

oh yeah - crocodile clips are fine - that's what I use. I just put banana jacks on mine so I could use it with my breadboard too.

this thing has proven to be invaluable!
www.paulinthelab.com - Stripboard Layouts