Popping Small Clone

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Re: Popping Small Clone

I was thinking about this popping today.

Wouldn't adding a resistor on the switch work for this? You said that it's probably better doing it the other way, but surely the resistor on the switch would work as long as the gain pot was set above a certain amount?
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Re: Popping Small Clone

Ciaran Haslett
In reply to this post by inefficiency
Probably too late now but if you're on a Mac, the Save as Template function doesn't work from the Right Click menu.  You have to use the Save As Template from the Edit menu.  Drove me mad for awhile that one.
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Re: Popping Small Clone

i just built a small clone, and i'm getting popping. mark mentioned that the entire 2nd row is ground. does that mean i can do this?

note: the 2 thick purple lines are to represent the placement of the pulldown resistors. i realize that they will unfortunitely be standing, but then i wouldn't have to mess with adding the resistors to the switch. i figured the one on the output would have to be attached from the bottom or i could solder it to the leg of the cap on the top and on the bottom of the board (not sure if anyone can picture what i mean). are both needed or just the 1M input pulldown?
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Re: Popping Small Clone

That looks correct. Whether you need both can't be predicted in advance, so you'll just have to try them one at a time and see. Or just do both for good measure.
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Re: Popping Small Clone

awesome. so i added the resistors, no pop when switched off, but occasionally pops when switched on. i even used a 2.2M and it still pops on occasion. i did some digging on this, and it seems that the small clone just pops, it might be from the on board LED, but i'm not going to mess with it anymore, it's not that big of a deal. it just seems like the small clone has a mind of its own and when its mad at ya it pops when being switched on.