Positive Ground Hook Up Please with 2PDT

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Positive Ground Hook Up Please with 2PDT

I built a Fuzz Face this weekend with Some Germanium Transistors, its my fourteenth build from the site. All went well but I was struggling with the hook up.

I have never done a positive ground effect.

I googled the hook up needed and found a whole load of information, but as always with the web its what do you trust.

This site is great and every pedal bar one has fired up first time, it would have been great if the hook up diagram was on here as this site is completely trust worthy.

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Re: Positive Ground Hook Up Please with 2PDT

Silver Blues
There are two ways you could do this. The first is simply connecting the board (and all other) power to the tip of the jack (giving you a -9v supply from a center-negative power supply) and the grounds to the ring (positive ground), however this eliminates the possibility of using that power supply with any of the much more common negative-ground effects. Second alternative is to build a voltage inverter, which is seriously only three parts that removes this limitation. You'd then just connect your external power to the inverter as normal and then connect the pedal as I outlined above after it. Also remember to reverse the polarities of any polarized components.
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Re: Positive Ground Hook Up Please with 2PDT

Silver Blues wrote
Second alternative is to build a voltage inverter, which is seriously only three parts that removes this limitation. You'd then just connect your external power to the inverter as normal and then connect the pedal as I outlined above after it. Also remember to reverse the polarities of any polarized components.
Can you give me more information on this ? Like what componet do i need for this build ?
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Re: Positive Ground Hook Up Please with 2PDT

Silver Blues
You're looking for this:

But be advised that it is required to source an ICL7660S, the non-S versions are not suitable for pedal circuits.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Positive Ground Hook Up Please with 2PDT

Thank you !