Possible counterfeit chips alert, Ebay

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Possible counterfeit chips alert, Ebay

I was cruising for some MN3207 chips and came across this listing:


Seller:  allhomesales

First thing I noticed is that they're about $1 each, which was way lower than anyone else.  

Looking at the picture, the chips look very suspect.  The print is very bright and new looking, but the top of the chip looks to have been ground down and resurfaced judging by the bevel on the top groove and the bare remnant of the little Pin1 indicator circle.

So I checked feedback and they've had quite a few actions taken against them for counterfeit chips as recently as last month (46 negative reviews, 12 of them due to fake/counterfeit/defective chips).

Just a heads up.
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Re: Possible counterfeit chips alert, Ebay

Good spot Heath, thanks for letting everyone know.