Power Brick Vero Request

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Power Brick Vero Request

Been searching around on the net for a good power supply design design and eventually found one I feel I could do at https://hotbottles.wordpress.com/2014/05/05/a-real-effects-pedal-power-supply/ (scroll down to "final schematic" right under the gut shot) but there are a few things I don't get.  If anyone can provide some (probably basic) info, I will try to do a vero layout.  I don't think Tagboardeffects has a power supply in its huge archive yet, so it would probably fill a niche.  

Here's what I don't know: how big/what kind of fuse would be appropriate?  How many milliamps or amps would be the right amount for the power supply going into the circuit?  Why does the schematic mention IC 1 and IC 2 but the gutshot shows just one IC?  Why does the BOM mention C8 when the schematic only has 4 caps?  These are probably dummy questions, but any advice would be most welcome.  Thanks in advance for any help!
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Re: Power Brick Vero Request

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RE: Power Brick Vero Request

Thanks man, that looks great.  does it matter how high the milliamps on the 12v are?  I just bought one at 1600mA


Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2015 13:32:26 -0700
From: [hidden email]
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: Power Brick Vero Request

Myself and induction created a power brick that may be what you're looking for.


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RE: Power Brick Vero Request
