Powering effect issues

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Powering effect issues

Tune Tone
I recently built a clone of the Grind Costoms FX Tenebrion Reverb pedal. It works sweet but apparently in some occasions dosn't seem to turn on at all. With my electricity adapter it seem to work just fine.
But for my friend, for whome I built the effect, the pedal didnt turn on at all in the rehearsal room. I assume he was using one of these power bricks that power up several effect.
I was wondering if any of you have a clue where might be the problem ? not enough Amperage maybe flowing out from these power bricks that turn on additional effects ??

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Re: Powering effect issues

Possibly current but we'd need to get some pin measurements when powered to be sure and need to know a bit more about the supply providing the power.  
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Re: Powering effect issues

Tune Tone
my friend is on tour now. The reperation fo the pedal was delayed to when he is back then I will psot here again.
I think it might be as well wrong soldering to the 3 lugs of the dc jack.. not sure though.

There is no battery snap in this project. From older photos I did I can barely see the dc jack lugs but Im affraid I used the battery lug for the 9V dc and LED connection..
what are your eyes telling ??