Preamp Switcher

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Preamp Switcher

Hey all,

I could swear I posted about this on this forum before but I can't find it in my post history so I guess I didn't...

I have two preamps and I run pedals up front and in the loop.  I want to be able to swap the preamps with a footswitch.  I wired up a stomp like the image below but I'm getting hum in it.  Do I need to start looking at different designs that include transformers and whatnot?  I just used my standard 22awg wire but I could certainly up it to full blown insulated speaker wire if you think the wire itself could be an issue.

Guitar/pre-pedals go to loop in, loop out runs to power amp in/loop pedals.
In/Outs are for the two preamps.



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Re: Preamp Switcher

Neil mcNasty
I can see why you are getting a hum from this...
You forgot to connect the ground connections from the jacks to the ground of the DC-Jack.
As it is now you have only grounded the switch.
Pull a link from the ground connection on the switch (or from the DC-Jack) to one of the In/out Jacks and it should be fine...
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Re: Preamp Switcher

Thanks!  Sorry I didn't reply sooner... forgot I asked for help on this.  I'll test it out tonight.
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Re: Preamp Switcher

One more question... I'm just using my standard 22AWG wire on this switcher.  Is there any benefit for me to use higher quality shielded speaker wire?
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Re: Preamp Switcher

In reply to this post by Neil mcNasty
Finally got around to testing this fix.  Thank you... hum free.  Such a dumb oversight on my part.  You rock!