Prescription Electronics Experience

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Prescription Electronics Experience


I built this pedal today using this layout. Everything works fine except the Swell. When the Swell is activated it is as if you are activating a second output volume preset. I changed transistors, reviewed the board many times, but it did not work. I used 2N3904 for Q1-Q4 and 2N5088 for Q5 and Q6 (I replaced with germanium transistors, 2n3904, Mpsa18, 2n2222)
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Re: Prescription Electronics Experience

That's actually how the swell pot works, according to the original user guide.
The swell feature on the Experience is kinda finicky. It needs the volume  and tone controls set up just right, and it works best when you play above the 10th fret. It also takes a little technique adjustment, but it is a pretty cool effect once you've sussed it.
I'm on my iPad at the moment, but I'll post a copy of the user guide later when I'm on my computer.