Problems with Jen HF Mdulator

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Problems with Jen HF Mdulator

Hey guys,
I finished my build of the Jen HF Modulator alias Gretsch Playboy.
Now my issue is, that i dont get any ring moddish sound out of it.
When I engage the effect there is a slight volume boost and the Tone control works good.
I went over the circuit and knifed it, tried different transistors but noting worked.
Anybody an idea?


here some images

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Re: Problems with Jen HF Mdulator

It looks to me like you have forgotten the 220k resistor on the lower right hand side of your board.

Also worth checking that you have continuity of the components along the top row - it looks damaged where you have snapped the board to size.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Problems with Jen HF Mdulator

You are right. Thanks dude.
The top row has continuety, I checked that. Lets see if the resistor makes any difference.
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Re: Problems with Jen HF Mdulator

In reply to this post by Beaker
Works, thanks dude.
It was the resistor
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Re: Problems with Jen HF Mdulator

In reply to this post by Beaker
Nice catch, there, Beaker.