Problems with comments on main page

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Problems with comments on main page

Neil mcNasty
Has anyone else experienced not being able post comments on the main site?
Been unable to post comments/log in for a while now, and I can not find out what is wrong...
When I click "log in" I get sent to my old blog, and after returning to the main site I'm no longer loged in...
Any clues?
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Re: Problems with comments on main page

Seems ok
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Problems with comments on main page

Neil mcNasty
Thanks for the reply, but I think I was a bit vague in my question. Sorry for that!

To clarify: I know that the site is not the problem since comments are ticking in at a regular pace.
If any of you try to comment, you will not get the same problem. I already know this...
The problem is at my end!
But I can not find any reason for this happening.
It seems like the site does not recognise me anymore, like it did before.
Below the comments I always had "comment as Neil mcNasty", but now there's only a list of services that I can use to "log in". But the options do not work for me. Even if I log in when I'm being redirected to the log in page.

I have experienced the issue before, but it is such long time ago that i can not remember what caused it.
I have tried 3 different browsers and get the same result.
Very frustrating since I have several questions that I wanted to ask lately, but I have been unable to do so.
As you all can tell, I do not have any of these problems here on the Forum section.

So my question is: if anyone recognise/have had this issue, and remember the cause of the problem/how they fixed it.
Meaning: reply if you recognise the issue!
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Re: Problems with comments on main page

In reply to this post by Neil mcNasty
Have you got a pop up blocker running?  There's always the chance that one of the filter lists could be misbehaving
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Re: Problems with comments on main page

I have the same problem - cannot post a comment. Although I'm logged into my google account, when I choose "comment as: google account" and "publish" it just directs me to the very same page again with nothing else happening.
Firefox 45.7.0 with no pop up or adblock activated
same with IE
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Re: Problems with comments on main page

Ciaran Haslett
Probably not much help here but I did have some bother with Keychain updates (on a Mac) where it wouldn't update some site passwords.  Ended up having to clear my Keychain out and start over.  Not sure if there's something similar with Windows machines as I haven't used on since XP
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Re: Problems with comments on main page

Neil mcNasty
Sounds like you've got some good tips going on there guys.
Will check your suggestions and report back!
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Re: Problems with comments on main page

Good points about the use of both I.E. and Firefox. I use a Chome with no issues even with ad blocker.
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Problems with comments on main page

Neil mcNasty
In reply to this post by Neil mcNasty
After spending too much time on this, and realizing that I had some serious bugs in my system, I finally gave up and upgraded/reinstalled my whole system.
I'm too old for this crap...
Now all is good!

Thanks for the help though!
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Re: Problems with comments on main page

Neil mcNasty
In reply to this post by Neil mcNasty
After spending too much time on this, and realizing that I had some serious bugs in my system, I finally gave up and upgraded/reinstalled my whole system.
I'm too old for this crap...
Now all is good!