Problems with mail from China???

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Problems with mail from China???

Hi mates,

Just a question: are you gettin heavy delays with your orders from China?

Don't know why, but since August , orders from China, even the ones from my most trusted and serious sellers , that used to take about 2 weeks, are gettin delays of even 6-7 weeks.

Not to forget too, that two parcels (one of them registered) have been lost in transit in these few months.

It's gettin' a problem, 2-3 weeks are "affordable" but 7.... it's too much. This time i can't blame the spanish mail system, my last order from Small Bear took less than a week, and orders from UK / Germany, take barely 4-5 days, the problem seems to be on China / Hong Kong post...

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Re: Problems with mail from China???

Hi Javi,

I've not been having any issues with post from China to UK. Approx 2-3 weeks delivery.
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Re: Problems with mail from China???

In reply to this post by JaviCAP
Yes the problem is because of the new aviation laws about shipping lithium batteries.  You can't ship them now in the hold of plane so they have to be in hand luggage and a lot of the mail companies have started additional security check to try to prevent them being sent.

Hong Kong Mail and Singapore Post have been particularly bad and I think their backlog is because they are x-raying every parcel.  

I know this because I order lithium batteries from the far east for my ecigs and the main company I buy from has been keeping me up to date with what has been happening.  They've started to ship batteries with their boxes wrapped in foil so they don't show up on x-rays

Absolutely bloody stupid rule which is going to have to be revised pretty quickly or no one in the West will have mobile phones pretty soon.  Typical instance of decisions being made without considering the implications.
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Re: Problems with mail from China???

+1 to Mark's Lithium battery comment

I know I had a couple orders of PCB's from China that was seriously delayed a month or two ago.  The company (SeeedStudio) said it was because they had some orders with Lithium Batteries in their parcels so customs just ended up rejecting all their packages for a date range and sent them back.

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Re: Problems with mail from China???

In reply to this post by JaviCAP
I've had to wait forever to get things I've ordered from china recently too. Most of the companies on eBay I've dealt with from china have sent things from Hong Kong instead, because shipping is much faster. I mean like at least a week faster. It seems that anything that leaves china is held there longer before being sent out. I'm not sure if it's because I'm in the US or not, though.
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Re: Problems with mail from China???

In reply to this post by IvIark
Yeah, it seems that from some time ago any parcel gets hold forever on China customs.

Have checked 2 tracked orders. One is hold on custom's from October 25th and the other one from Nov 4th

Have just received today one parcel sent on October 14th, nearly 4 weeks after shippin' and 5 after paid, not "bad".

I'm afraid that I'll stop purchasing anything there. Four to seven weeks delivery time is way too much. Now how long takes to get Polida's orders? XDDD If it was 6 weeks, now it should be 3 months :P

I'm sorry for the sellers, but on 39th day, I open a not received claim on Paypal, and I'm afraid that I'm not the only one. If finally I receive the order, I mail the seller telling him what has happened, and that I have no problem  returning the goods... if he pays the shippin' and handling costs. Is not really the seller's fault, but no way it's mine.


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Re: Problems with mail from China???

That's crazy. I've never had anything take that long from China especially from Polida on eBay. I usually get things in like 3 weeks max, once 4 weeks. What makes me laugh is that it has taken less time to get Russian germaniums, which I've started hoarding thanks to Mark, from Russia then stuff from China. Maybe it's cause the KGB is involved. lol
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Re: Problems with mail from China???

I know, I've been ordering some PIO caps from Russia and they get here surprisingly fast. I haven't ordered from China in a couple of months, so its good to know about the delays...