Here are some tips if you can find any obvious errors in your build. First, make sure you have a DVM so you can measure voltages through the circuit and check for continuity.
* Check for solder bridges. Sometimes they can be very tiny and difficult to spot.
* Check for cold solder joints. These can cause breaks in the signal. To fix these, simply take your heated soldring iron and reflow the solder joints.
* Make an audio probe and use it to check to see where you lose your signal. Here's a link.
Debugging Stomp Boxes - Audio Probe* Check the "Offboard" section of this blog for tips on wiring the switch, LED, jacks, and 9V power.
Finally, if you can't get this to work after some effort, set this build aside and try a simpler circuit, such as a one-knob fuzz. Getting a few simpler builds under your belt will give you the confidence and experience to move forward on more complicated projects. Good luck!
[NOTE: We love to help folks here at the tagbboardeffects blog. However, for many standard building questions, there are a plethora of web resources you can access such as the debugging link at given above. Let Google be your friend here. Also, be prepared to measure voltages and continuity in your circuit, as there is only so much someone can do from a distance. There are many things to learn in this hobby (and I'm still learning!), but it's fun and rewarding. Thanks!]