Hi guys,
Recently decided I needed to move on from building fuzzes and bought some pt2399 from ebay. Whilst shopping I noticed these
https://www.ebay.co.uk/p/Pt2399-Reverb-Plate-Reverberation-Microphone-Board-No-Preamplifier-Function/518886146Thought why not for £3. Any how they turned up a couple of days ago. Got to say great little board. The only knob is for mix control but they do have an inbuilt mod where you remove a resistor and put a pot in. This is for time.
I initially used a 22k lin pot which gave a good range and was nice and clean. Using a 100k lin gave ringmod ish sounds at one end and a lovely woshing dirtier long delay bit like the crap delay and delay time was about double. Might explore more when i get some more pots and switches.
However I would love to be able to control number of repeats. I'm getting lots with the pt2399 pdf . How would i control number of repeats.