Purple Plexi 800 by Mark

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Purple Plexi 800 by Mark

Hello guys!

I built the layout of Mark "purple plexi 800" but I have a problem with the gain.

Let me explain, when I closed the gain throughout the volume is acceptable, but if you increase the gain as a result the volume decreases, and when I opened the completely gain the volume is very low.
The pedal functions as it should if it were not for this inconvenience.

How can I fix?
Thank you! if you need help I can also write voltages of the IC

1) 1,285            8) 1,285
2) 0,00              7) 3,81
3) 0,16              6) 7,80
4) 0,00              5) 5,58

Sorry, I did not know exactly where to post and I posted in 2 different sections.
If you feel you should be clear in one of the two.
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Re: Purple Plexi 800 by Mark

Go over your board a few times. I'm pretty sure there is a mistake. The only issue you should notice is a bit of noise at the last bit of the gain knob travel to max. That prob can be solved with a inline resistor.
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Re: Purple Plexi 800 by Mark

In the last piece of the journey gain knob to the maximum, the volume is greatly reduced . the only mistake is this.
There are no " bridges " between the tracks . and the welds are good .
I tried 4 different IC , with the same result
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Re: Purple Plexi 800 by Mark

Time for pictures.
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Re: Purple Plexi 800 by Mark

This post was updated on .

I may have found the problem, I will check in the morning tomorrow.

One wrong cut, the last strip, between Gain3 and Vol3.

I am almost sure that the problem is this.
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Re: Purple Plexi 800 by Mark

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
yes you got it!
that's it. that first and last strip of vero plates is always bigger than the rest and the drill can't make the whole cut. i always use a razor to fix those cuts.
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Re: Purple Plexi 800 by Mark

tested and works perfectly now!
When I add the led for 3PDT I should have a difference in the sound right?
 I add that I used JRC386D but also try LM386-N1 to figure out which has the best results, but I have to say that JRC is not bad!
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Re: Purple Plexi 800 by Mark

No the LED doesn't effect the circuit audibly, it just gives you indication when it's on.
Try a few different ICs and just stick with the one you like best.  I find I often have my own favourites and use something different to what was in the original.
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Re: Purple Plexi 800 by Mark

Thanks Mark for your layout, you're great and thanks for the tips to all you guys! Next week I will build your layout for 7theven.
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Re: Purple Plexi 800 by Mark

This post was updated on .
I tried LM386N-1 and the sound I like!
I have a problem with the squeel in the last part of the gain, when I have the volume and gain maximum.
If I have the volume at 3 o'clock and the maximum gain, the squeel disappears, reappears as I raise the volume.
In a nutshell I can hold a maximum or gain or volume, but not both.
But I must admit, that perhaps might be normal to have the squell with those extreme settings .....

The JRC does not produce any noise, but seems to have a little less gain and less bass.
Synsound spoke of a series resistor to add.
I could try to solve the problem I have with LM386N-1 well.
If you tell me where it needs to be added and value.

Thanks to all
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Re: Purple Plexi 800 by Mark

Just to share my experience, I decided to leave the JRC.

a brief taste with a clip.