Putting multiple PT2399's in for longer delay time in the Deep Blue Delay

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Putting multiple PT2399's in for longer delay time in the Deep Blue Delay

Hi, I was going through the Sabrotone website (something a similar to TagBoard) and one of the things they had was the Way Huge Aqua Puss on vero along with a separate piece of Veroboard that contained a pair of BBD chips and some other bits. The connectors of this veroboard plug into the pins of the BBD chip on the main board. This increases the delay time apparently. If my explanation is shite, then go here to check out what I mean: http://www.sabrotone.com/?p=698

On tagboardeffects, there is the MadBean Cave Dweller 2, but I don't really like the sound of it as much as the DBD, but does show that multiple PT2399's can be used to get a longer delay time. Could a separate board be made for the DBD that increases the delay time by putting a pair of PT2399's in, and then fitting into the same connections on the stock schematic?

In short, could what SabroTone did for the Aqua Puss be done for the DBD? If so, could someone point me in the right direction of something vero based to do this?
